Friday, April 1, 2011

Odds and Ins!

Sorry I haven't been very good about posting. We have been very busy the past month. Dennis's parents came to visit for about 2 weeks. While they were here we celebrated Ada's 2nd birthday, and made our first trip to Paris. We had a great time while they were here. This past month we have had many different doctor appointments from my eyes and the girls well check ups.
Ada is still in gymnastics on Fridays and loves it. The girl has no fear. She walks up this bench that is propped on a dresser looking thing. Well I wasn't looking today and she decided she was going to walk up it all by herself and she fell off. She fell on the ground and landed where she hit the back of her head. She cried for a little bit, then she got back up and did the beam and that obstacle again. Crazy girl. I will post recent pictures of the girls soon.
Ella is growing like a weed. She is now 8 months old. She is sitting up and smiling a lot. She has started talking a lot. When we are in the car she usually talks the whole trip to and from where we are going. No crawling yet but I am sure that will be soon. I have started making my on baby food and Ella seems to like most of it. Hopefully I will continue making it. It is so easy to make just need the time.
SO many people have asked what I miss about the states. Well I have realized over the past few days while Dennis has been gone that I really miss drive thrus. In the states it was so much easier being a temporary single mom. Cause if I was tired or it was too late to go home and cook I could swing by any drive thru I could imagine. I could have Chick fil a, barbecue, arbys, hamburgers, Wendys, SOnic, I could even run into Moes, McCalisters, Panera. You name it I could get it. I could even get a Starbucks on a crazy day when a need some caffiene to make it through the day. Well here you have the choice of three drive thrus McDonalds, Burger King, and Popeyes. If I wanted to run in somewhere and get something my choices are Donner's, Italian, and more Italian. SO when I arrive in October I will enjoy my drive thrus. I can not wait to have a Melvins BBQ sandwhich and a big Sweet Tea. I am still a southern girl. Hope you guys enjoy reading this. I would love for you all to come visit and see our wide spread of food choices. LOL